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Sundays  at  10:00 AM

DUMC Memorial Tree Blossoms

Special Announcement - Covid-19

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.”  (Psalm 122:1)

We are pleased to share the following “news” concerning our Sunday morning 10:00 AM worship service.

Effective Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 persons who have received the coronavirus vaccine are no longer required to wear a mask or facial covering while attending worship.

Persons who have not yet received the coronavirus vaccine are asked to please continue to wear a mask or facial covering while attending worship.

We will continue using only the accessible ramp entrance to enter the church.

We will continue to take attendance for tracing purposes.

We do have a resource table with hand sanitizer, disposable gloves and facial masks if you need any of these.

Persons are permitted to sit in any pew, but we ask that you still consider social distancing.  For those who may not feel comfortable sitting closer together in the sanctuary, we will continue to have extra seating in our Prayer Room.

Please know that if you are still not comfortable attending worship at this time … that is okay. We look forward to seeing you when you are comfortable.

Remember … Jesus loves you!

United Methodist News

UM News is the official news gathering agency of the 13-million member United Methodist Church.  Read highlights from UM News below or visit the UM News website for even more news.

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Global Ministries connects The United Methodist Church, its people, and congregations to partner with others engaged in God’s global work, which takes place in a variety of settings, countries, and cultures.

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RSS United Methodist News (UM News)

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